Shine Jesus Light
"Start Children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (Proverbs22:6)

Welcome to the Children's page! My name is Jody Auvenshine and I am the Children's Coordinator at FMC. I would personally like to invite you to our Children's Sunday School class. We have class every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 am. First and foremost, our lessons are from the Bible, God's Holy Word. Our lessons are enriched with crafts, science experiments, and cooking activities. We also have a Children's message during our Sunday worship service. We have several other events scheduled throughout the year, with the focus on shining Jesus' light: Vacation Bible School, Community Service activities, Harvest Festival, Comanche Trunk or Treat, and a Christmas program. Everyone at FMC, who is involved with children's activities, has underwent a background check and has completed Ministry Safe Training. Your child's safety is important to us, and we want to provide a safe environment, where your child is loved and cared for during church/church events. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14. I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our church family!
Jody Auvenshine
Children's Coordinator
"He said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14)
Continuing Growth in Faith
Childcare is provided during all Sunday services for children ages newborns through 4 years.
The nursery is located in the Educational Building main hall way.
Nursery is available from 8:30 to Noon
Pre-K littles now have their own Sunday school class during traditional worship. Pre-k children will attend the beginning of worship and the children’s sermon, then head back to the King’s Karavan Room in the education building for a short lesson and craft during the sermon.
Every Sunday 9:30am in the Educational Building
In the King’s Karavan Room
Kids 5 years – 5th grade
Coming this August we will now have a Youth Sunday School class at 9:30am in the education building. Youth will be grades 6th – 12th
Activities include: Vacation Bible School, Community Service Activities, Craft making for Harvest Festival, Comanche Trunk or Treat, Ice cream making for the Comanche Pow Wow, Christmas Program.
Meet Our Children's Staff
Join in on the fun!
Ministry Safe Volunteers and Staff
All volunteers and Staff must complete Ministry Safe training. If a volunteer has not completed training, they will not be left alone with your child without a Ministry Safe trained employee or volunteer. Youth volunteers are never left alone with children.
To ensure the safety and protection of our children, volunteers are required to complete the Ministry Safe training and background checks.
To begin this process, contact our Ministry Safe Coordinator at